Beyond your technical skills, are the skills you apply to engage patients
Live training to integrate both
Now Scheduling for 2023-2024Why are Patient Engagement Skills Critical in a Rapidly Changing Healthcare System?
Now more than ever, healthcare providers are faced with increasing demands to get better results, but it cannot be accomplished without the patient’s active participation. This is creating provider burnout and patient dissatisfaction. A formula for disaster!
With an interactive, hands-on learning experience, this live training workshop teaching the science and skills to connect with patients to get better results.
- The Neuroscience of Patient Engagement
- The skills to know when your patient is “bought in” to their treatment plan and to know when they are not
- The key reasons for provider burnout and the signs and symptoms of Compassion Fatigue
- The surprising reasons why patients are not compliant
- Simple methods to decrease cancelation and no-show rates
Yes, you and your team can learn the skills that improve patient engagement and better outcomes.
Research demonstrates that relationship skills can be learned by healthcare providers and improve the relationship between the patient and provider.
Learn More About How You can Host a Live Course
Hands-on training to improve the relationship skills the improve results.
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Engaging Presentation
We guide you through the current science of engagement in a fun and interactive fashion to ensure you understand the essential foundation of Relationship-Centered Care TM

Lab Practice
We learn and practice the skills that you can begin to use right away. In a fun and creative manner, you will experience how it feels to provide and receive the skills you are learning.

Case Studies
By reviewing real-life case studies, you will gain a full appreciation of the power to patient engagement and the confidence to put these skills into practice immediately.
Be Healthier as a Provider
Yes, 'patient-centered care' is a great start, but what about you, the provider?
Most healthcare professionals are struggling with the demands of a busy practice and the desire to truly connect with the reason they got into the profession. This is leading to burnout which creates a vicious cycle of dispassionate care and attrition. How can we keep the balance?
By understanding how the relationship between the patient can provider can be ideally structured, you can develop the skills to remain "whole" in the process of guiding patients toward a great clinical result. You will learn the neuroscientific foundations of Interpersonal Emotional Regulation (IER) and the skills to ensure that the "right kind" of connection is formed with your patients. This will allow you to engage with a new level of resiliency that will keep you practice fun and energized.
Imagine having now more "difficult patients"! With this kind of training, you will develop the interpersonal agility to ensure that each party is clear about their role in the healing process.
Are these skills actually trainable?
Are there ways to prevent compassion fatigue and burnout?
What are the ways of improving patient compliance?
How are these skills learned?
Hands-on Training
You will immediately "feel" the power of these language skills during intensive practice sessions and be ready to apply these skills with patients for better results.
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